In the minds of a lot of people, tax filing is complicated. And while filing your taxes requires a certain degree of attention to detail, things can be a lot easier when you keep accurate tax records.
Keep reading to discover exactly how maintaining comprehensive records makes taxes easier–and how it can even result in credits and deductions for you.
Identify Sources of Income
You may receive income from a variety of sources. Keeping accurate tax records helps you separate business from nonbusiness income and taxable from nontaxable income. The result? A lot of less stress for you and your tax preparer or accountant.
Keep Track of Expenses
Accurately recording your expenses helps you in many ways. For starters, it allows you to identify expenses for which you can claim deductions. It may also help you discover unexpected deductions of credits you may qualify for. As you can see, being thorough with your records really pays off!
Prepare Tax Returns
Building comprehensive tax records throughout the year makes it easier to file your taxes. Come up with a filing method that makes sense for you, or seek the assistance of a tax professional. With all the necessary documentation on hand, filing your taxes will be a breeze
Support Items on Your Tax Return
In addition to making tax filing easier, good tax records help you in case your return is selected for examination or if you receive a notice from the IRS. Should that scenario occur, you would be able to fulfill the process easily, because every item on your tax return is supported by the corresponding documents.
Contact the Tax Experts at Delgado’s Insurance
If you are looking for assistance with your tax return, your stimulus payment, or any other matter relating to taxes, contact our experts at Delgado’s Insurance. Our mission is to help you make sense of your options to reduce your liability and maximize your deductions while staying compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
We have locations in Riverside, California, and Bloomington, California. Contact us today by telephone (951-361-0084, 909-421-9003), email (, or through our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter) to get a free quote and learn more about our wide array of services.